CalvertHealth  |  12/21/2023

Duke Health: Support Throughout Cancer Treatment and Outcomes

Co-Authored by Linda Sutton, MD, Duke Cancer Network Medical Director and Jenna Koenigshofer, DNP, Associate Director Clinical Practice, Duke Cancer Network 

Most, if not all people, know someone who has been diagnosed with cancer. According to the American Cancer Society (ACS), an estimated 1.9 million people were diagnosed with cancer in 2021. A cancer diagnosis means that a whole new set of activities have to be added to patients’ lives. Patients have to have tests, go to doctor appointments, perhaps have surgery – the list seems endless. People with cancer can be overwhelmed and often need help. A strong support network of friends, family and resources is crucial to a person’s ability to handle cancer challenges successfully. A recent study from Kaiser Permanente found that women with colorectal cancer who had strong levels of support survived more often than those who did not. On the flip side, limited social support systems can lead to more cancer-related problems such as depression and even increased rates of death. Other studies have shown that being married can improve survival in colon, prostate and other cancers.

An important thing to know is that support can mean different things to different people. Support can look like many things – a friend to lean on and share worries and fears as well as joys and successes or having the right information to help make the best decisions. Some people feel that having more people around to help with day-to-day chores and tasks, or help with driving, etc. may make them feel better. People with cancer may have more time to focus on recovering or healing, if others take care of the ‘small’ things. Others may actually benefit from getting those day-to-day tasks done themselves, feeling better and stronger by completing chores.

Cancer can impact people very differently but it is important to recognize that having a strong social support system has an impact on a person’s outcome.

If you or someone you love needs additional support, please refer them to team at CalvertHealth:

Oncology Navigator: Renee Sbrocco, RNIV, OCN

Oncology Navigator: Lindsey Thompson, RN

Breast Nurse Navigator: Megan Hance

Oncology Financial Navigator: Tracy Delahay
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